Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Welcoming (*too Late) July 2011

Karena server lagi jebol kalo buka Blogspot, jadi jarang banget postingnya neh.. sedih juga pas liat jumlah postingan di Bulan Juni cuma 12 postingan.. Hiks... Tapi karena ini sudah masuk bulan July, penyesalan sudah tidak ada arti lagi.. Dengan harapan server ga bakal ngeblokir blogspot lagi, maka dengan penuh percaya diri... dan rasa telatnya.. Ayo saatnya update Blog!!!! July... I'm Coming... Spirit!!!!! Start with nonsense in July... Hahahaha...
Nonsense Begin:

Feel Like I want to be A Running Man, who could run everywhere I like because of you. With some of Heartstrings in my heart, who could
just only Loving you A Thousand times. If you not dare to say it, just Lie To Me... Lie till the end... Can you hear my heart??? My heart will just explode in 49 Days if you couldn't hear it....
How??? wkwkwkwkwkwk.... Ga nyambung yaw???


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